3 Reasons to Not Hire a Brand Designer


Hold the phone...is a brand designer actually saying to not hire them?

Yes, you read that correctly.

As a brand designer, I’m here to support your business and help you become more effective in the time you’re spending to reach the right people who are ready for you! However, sometimes hiring a brand designer is not the right move at the get-go while figuring out a few different things first. If one of these three areas below sound like where your business is currently, perhaps it’s just not the right time to be investing in a designer (at least, not yet).  

Exploring Business Ideas 

Is your business new and you’re filled with lots of ideas or passions you’d like to explore? Now’s the time to enjoy that exploration to see what services you love providing and what will be most profitable as well! Take the time to test, make mistakes, learn, adjust, and figure out what exactly you want your business to look like.  

It’s hard for a brand to be in the experimenting phase and have effective, streamlined strategy since you’re not clear on who you serve and what you bring to the table. Please don’t misunderstand, this isn't a bad stage to be in; many small businesses start out this way. At this point, a Canva logo or no logo at all will be fine while you’re focusing on what your business will be doing and who your target client is.  

Not Ready for Growth 

Perhaps you have awesome products and services but you’re not ready to grow quite yet. Congratulations! That’s a good problem to have. If you’re waiting for a place to expand your space, grow a team, to have more time to put into the business, then it might not be the right time for branding. Branding is an effective method to clarify messaging and makes it easier to sell to your audience as you stand out from your competitors and create a comprehensive experience. Ultimately, this leads to growth in your business, so if you aren’t ready to grow, then don’t brand. 

Preparing to Create a Comprehensive Experience 

Systems take a lot of time and coordination to set up, and the experience your clients have takes the same! Oftentimes branding can help you define what the experience should be like and how to make that happen, and often there are many little improvements that can be made to improve your customer’s experience. If you’re still working out the kinks in products and services, or you’re still deciding how to get your products in front of the right people in the first place, branding might not be your top priority just yet. You want to be confident in your offerings first and then be ready to focus on your client experience rather than splitting focus finalizing your services! 

These are all good stages to be in with your business, in fact I’ve been there myself. I started out offering many, many different services and tried lots of different things before narrowing down what I love to do and what I wanted to do differently. It reached a point where I was working full time hours for another job and couldn’t take on more client work for Mangum Design Co. since I was at capacity.  

There were quite literally not enough hours in the day to do what I wanted with the business. I had to solidify my confidence in myself and my skills before I could focus on the message I wanted to put in front of other people. It all comes with time, so focus on the stage you’re in now and work towards moving through it to the next level.  

When you have a clear offer of what you offer, how you differ from competitors, and when you’re ready to grow to the next level, let’s work together to create a great customer experience from start to finish with branding. When you’re ready, lets chat

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