What You Don't Get from a Logo Template


Not every business is financially ready or solidified in their offerings enough to invest in full brand strategy and design early on.

I’ve told many before that they aren’t ready for my services; in fact, I have a blog post about it.

For those businesses that aren’t quite ready to take the leap, I often recommend using a template, like from Canva or Etsy, for a low-cost alternative to get them started. Templates are a good jumping-off point, but here are the aspects that you can only get with a professional designer, when you’re ready to take the leap of course: 

Custom & Unique Designs 

Any number of people and businesses can use a template from a common-area platform, so there are literally hundreds of businesses with extremely similar logos. If you’re looking to stand out from your competitors with a custom look that you actually own, you’ll want to expand your looks to outside of the template world.  

Range of Options 

A template is one design ready to be altered. With a professional designer on your team, you can have more than just one logo, you’ll get a primary logo plus alternate logos, a logo mark, patterns, and more – and all of those in multiple color versions! While a logo is great, it doesn’t work in every application, which is why flexibility and options with your branding are essential.  

Attention to Detail 

Like I just mentioned, different design versions work for different applications, but you also need different types of files for varying purposes. Template designs typically come in one or two file types and limited color versions, leaving you with few options on how you can use the files while still maintaining a professional look. Our custom designs always include six file types, multiple color variations, and a style guide built to help you learn how to use it all. 

Tailored Strategy & Solutions 

A logo can make a pretty picture, but it should only be one of the tools in a larger toolkit when you’re ready for your business to grow. Does your logo work for you, or just look nice?

Strategy is the biggest secret weapon that can give you valuable insights into your audience, competitors, and your client experience to make every dollar and minute work smarter, not harder, to help you grow your business. Strategy is an essential part of our team's branding practices.  

If the templates just aren’t cutting it for you, let’s chat to see if there’s a solution for you here. And while you’re waiting for your free consultation, check out these other branding clients that jumped in and got all of the perks mentioned above!