Your Brand Identity vs. Your Brand


Have you ever been online and seen the terms “branding” and “brand identity” used interchangeably?

The truth is, they are actually very different things.

Brand identity includes the visuals (colors, fonts, logos, patterns, etc.) that are the details you see visually in your brand, aka the items most people come to brand designers for. However, brand identity is simply a tool in the toolkit of what some brand designers like me (also known as brand strategists) can do for your business. 

A brand, or “branding”, is what others say, think, or feel about your business. It's the entire experience people have and the taste that is left in their mouths after working with you. No matter how pretty your logo is, if the experience is distasteful, the logo does diddly squat.

Yes, it is absolutely possible to influence how people feel and think a certain way when you control the message you’re sharing. People will of course think what they’re inclined to think, but you can actively still put out a specific message to attract the people who will more closely align with your business message. 

This is where brand strategy plays a vital role. Strategy focuses on everything from your audience’s needs and buying patterns to your competitors and your core values and brand personality! When you know your potential clients, their needs, and what makes them tick, you’ll be more easily able to focus your efforts where they’ll be most effective.

This strategy can help you influence what people think, feel, and say about your business. Once this strategy is solidified, this guides the design process and makes it even easier to create color schemes, font pairings, and logo designs that will support that overall strategy. Hence, why we call brand visuals a tool in the toolkit. 

Are you intrigued? Is this something your business would benefit from? Schedule a free consultation or check out past branding clients and other business tips

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