Risk Found in Brand Strategy & Design


There’s always a level of risk involved with everything in business, but that level of risk varies from choice to choice.

Risk is the level of potential for something to not go according to plan.

Let’s discuss the risk involved with investing in your brand’s strategy and design, as well as the risk that comes from not! 

Branding is definitely an investment, and with all investments, there is risk. The more someone does for you, the more risk they take on, whereas the more work you do yourself, the more risk you impose on yourself. What are some of these risks?  

Your design could either support or contradict your brand experience. The quality of designs in their scalability and flexibility for different uses can change based on education and software skills. There’s risk involved in avoiding the strategy behind a target audience as opposed to digging deep into their needs and putting ideas into practice. You’re weighing the cost benefits of investing your money with a design strategist versus investing your personal time to do the work yourself. Both choices have a cost and risk associated with them. 

For example, with a fully custom brand strategy and design process, your designer is guiding the process, performing the in-depth analysis, and is responsible for creating flexible and useful designs in file types you can use across the board.  

A Brand in a Day package means far less strategy, which can affect the ease and effectiveness of your sales efforts as you market to try and attract your target audience. It’s a lower investment that’ll still yield professional results, but you are missing out on the value that comes from knowing your brand’s strategy. It requires more work on your part to make the connections between your audience’s needs and what you can do to solve their problems. 

In the end, you’ll need to weigh the costs of your time and investments with the risk it puts on them both. And don’t forget, your needs and those costs can change over time too, so what’s riskier today may be better for you down the road as your business evolves. For more business tips, visit the blog or check out some of the brands that have handed off their risk to us here. If you’re interested in a free consultation to talk out your business’ needs, you can schedule one here