Our 5 Year Recap – Growth, Changes, & A Rebrand


Take a look at five years of growth, as well as what the future holds!

It’s wild to think that it’s already been five years since we started this business on a couch in Ogden, Utah!

I went from working in a Salt Lake City office as a landscape designer to Billings, Montana where my desk was in my bedroom corner. In 2022, I made the leap and took Mangum Design Co. full time, and now I’m here in Helena with an actual home office. I’m here to tell you, there are some big changes coming in the next six months and the rest of the year to follow. 

Last year, I shared the top four lessons I had learned in business, and the year before I shared the top three. However, this last year has been full of learning and growth through the moving and scaling that’s occurred. Here are my two big takeaways from this year as well as two big things that are to come! 

Let’s start with two big lessons: 

People are the Heart of Business 

Through networking, meeting fellow business owners, and making connections within the industry, amazing opportunities have come my way. Sure, I’ve met potential clients through all those efforts, but more importantly, those connections have brought awareness to my brand.  

These connections are also learning opportunities where I can glean insights from other professionals and we can share our working knowledge with each other. It’s a great support system where referrals and collaborations help us support each other! 

Planning for Scale 

I’ll touch more on this later, but growth requires taking a critical look at what the business offers in products and services to see if their profitability will work with the goals coming up. For instance, I love illustrations, but they aren’t sustainable for growth with some of my goals I’m working towards between the time they take to complete and their profitability. It’s hard to say no to some of those similar services in the past, but it’s done a lot to serve the business in a greater capacity with services that are truly unique to us. 

And now, onto the two big changes that are coming starting next week: 


Mangum Design Co. is getting a facelift with a new look and a new name! This business was built around my married name as I’m the cog that moves the business wheels. The goals I have for growing in the future expand beyond me, and I don’t want to be a sole cog in the wheel.  

Are you ready for the new name? Someday Design Studio! Everyone has ideas that we hope to start someday, especially when it comes to starting a business or planning a wedding. Someday Design Studio helps make those “someday” ideas happen today, while keeping the process as simple and stress-free for you as possible. This new brand, along with its new website, will be live on June 5th, just in time for our 5-year anniversary milestone! Along with these changes comes the next exciting point... 

Growing a Team & Opening a Physical Studio Space 

This change is really in tandem with the rebranding because the new name allows for the business to grow with a team of designers and other experts beyond myself! This will allow our capacity to serve more clients at a time and have a diverse portfolio of styles and specialties, as well as the ability to schedule more Design Days and other expansive services.  

I’ll also enjoy the freedom to leave for a family trip and still have things rolling as I take on the role of a creative director and educator within the community. The future may also include a photographer, website designer, search engine optimization, and more offerings! The physical location gives a place for us to meet with clients, do trainings, and host educational workshops for the community to foster a creative, collaborative environment! 

As you can imagine, it’s been a busy year, and I fully expect this next year will be even busier! I can’t wait to share more as we go along with the rebrand to serve and grow more in the world through our design efforts.